It really is. Someone somewhere decided that today is yarn day.
It's yarn day at my house every day.
Plus I work in a yarn store. Well actually it's a craft store that has lots and lots of yarn.
It's hard to make money there. It becomes an addiction. Those pieces of string call out to you. "Buy me," they whisper. "You don't spend money on wild nights or call boys", they justify. "You deserve it because you are a super stupendous human being and we can wrap you in love and warmth" they add.
Even when I'm away from the store I get inundated by the different yarn shops on the internet. And no, I'm not telling you what they are. No need sharing the addiction.
At least I'm not this lady.
The Worlds Biggest Stash? And no stash does not refer to that powdery white stuff. Although with all due respect there is a serious addiction going on here.
And if that isn't enough you can go to The Worlds Biggest Stash Update and Interview
Because seeing it once is just not enough.
If you'd like to start a knit a long you can always hop on over to Rowan and join Kaffe Fasset in his mystery. Yes, it's a mystery. Well, you know it will be an afghan or a pillow. And you can choose the colorways, and you get clues as you go along, but you have no idea how he's going to put it all together.
Mysteries and knitting have been going hand in hand since Miss Marple became one of Agatha Christie's favorite detectives.
Maybe that's what I should have written about for yarn day. Knitters in literature.
Oh well, too late. Next yarn day I'll do that.
Here's the link to the mystery.
Kaffe Fasset Mystery Knit Along
Psst. I know where you can get the yarn.
Okay, part of me wanted to put "murder" in that title but I refrained myself.
By the way, Kaffe Fassett is a big name in the fibre arts world. He's known for color. Big loud color that he manages to put together in ways that don't make you run away screaming.
Mary Maxim another big name in crafting, is a decades old Canadian company known at first for it's cowachin style picture jackets. They are making fun of itself these days.
Yes folks, they are loud and proud about their
The 12 Ugly Sweaters of Christmas
Okay, you've got to admire a company that decides while it's still selling it's vintage patterns (many of them quite good), that sometimes along the way they made some mistakes.
And not only is Mary Maxim admitting that they designed some pretty ugly sweaters, they're also pointing out that people bought them.

Like this one that some grandmother lovingly made and wrapped and stuck it under the tree for her daughter who unwrapped it and found - more wrapping paper!
If you want to get these sweaters ready for Christmas and those ugly sweater parties, today is a good day to start!
But if making ugly sweaters and mystery stitch alongs isn't your thing you can decide to
I know what you mean by loving yarns. I spent nearly the whole of the 70s owing and running a craft shop where I sold my own patchwork quilts, homespun sweaters and woven goods. There's something so relaxing about sewing. I guess it's a tradition pastime.
Waw! So many beautiful pictures! Thank you for great inspiration!
I love yarn!!! I am not a knitter - although I dream of becoming one when I grow up. I crochet instead. I love just going into stores and staring at the yarn dreaming of the blankets I could make. I am so grateful to my mother-in-law and other in-law relatives that took the time to teach me how to crochet. And I know my husband is too!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm a serial yarn purchaser. And sometimes I knit with it. Fabric and yarn... cheaper than therapy, huh? :) Maybe? lol
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