Okay, so here's the new deal.
A blog post a day.
What? Is that possible? What am I going to talk about EVERY DARN DAY?
I don't know.
But you see I joined The Ultimate Blog Challenge, which means I have to post something every darn day during the month of October.
Added to that I want to get ready for Nanowrimo which is code for National Novel Writing Month, which is code for write a novel in a month, which is code for not getting dressed or showering and living off of coffee and Snickers bars (peanuts have protein) and turning into a recluse until the very last day where you wish that it was October rather than November because you look more terrifying than you ever did dressing up for Halloween.
So in preparation for that I will be attempting to finish the two books - yes two - that I've been writing (translation = puttering on while playing facebook games) for the past several months and months and months. They are both near the end so I should just do it.
With three books written this year and another book that needs attention I will have lots of editing to do next year.
And so here we gooooooo!
Oh, by the way I found this. No I wasn't looking for it. It showed up on my facebook.
Warning: It's terrifying.
23 Cat People Who Need to Be Stopped
I think what really disturbs me is that there's such a thing as cat wallpaper.
Note to self: Do not marry a cat person. Add that to list of things I'm looking for in a man.
And one more thing. I have discovered Lynne Anderson. No she wasn't missing nor was she hiding from me. And yes I knew she sang "Rose Garden" but I thought that was all she sang. I thought she was a one hit wonder like Rick Dees. Little did I know. Like really little did I know. I love country music but I love new country and I'm not a fan of the twang country of the 50's, 60's and early 70's. Patsy Cline excluded. So Lynne Anderson never caught my attention except for Rose Garden. Now I've discovered she had a voice that could rival any voice in country music now. So here we go. A video from the Lawrence Welk show - yes, the Lawrence Welk show which my parents watched but even I knew as a little kid wasn't cool - showing Lynne looking like a cute 60's school teacher singing a very difficult song because there are so many gosh darn words. And I have said darn thrice in one blog post without referring to the actual darning of anything including socks.
Lynne Anderson - I've Been Everywhere
See, she looks like those 60's girls you see in British movies who live in flats and go to work on the train and shop at trendy stores and go to discotheques with their conservative boyfriends. Or like Marlo Thomas in That Girl. She wasn't British though, she lived in New York. Lynne's not British either. Who ever heard of a British country singer?
I just love your writing style! Let me know when the novel is out ;-)
Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
I remember Lawrence Welk! Humorous article. Good luck on your ambitious goals.
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