So in honor of that, my blog will wear something gaudy.
In fact, my blog is wearing Gaudi. Antoni Gaudi 1852-1926. He was an architect from Spain. And
boy his buildings were gaudy. And I love them that way.
This is the Sagrada Familia. It is a Roman Catholic church in Barcelona Spain. It is considered incomplete.
Look at the detail on those columns. At the doohickeys at the top. And even the wild shapes. What is not to love?
This is a crypt.
For all you vampires and zombies out there. Wouldn't you want to wake up everyday in this?
This is Casa Batllo or also known as Casa dels ossos which means "House of Bones" because of its skeleton like features.
It was commissioned as a private residence. Currently it's rented out for events.
This is the roof with the dragon spine.
Did I mention there's a dragon?

It's like Dr. Suess partied with Walt Disney and they took psychedelic drugs together.
I want a house like this. You wouldn't even have to give out your address to friends. They'd find you.
Apparently that tower is the lance of Saint George that was plunged into the back of the dragon.
And here's an interior view of a window.
Park Guell also in Barcelona.
I've really got to go there sometime. It really would be like going to Whoville.
Now, if that doesn't give you writers some inspiration, I don't know what will.
Interesting information. And interesting architecture. Thanks for sharing :)
I love how you tied in gaudy and Gaudi. Genius! The Sagrada Familia looks like it came from the Wizard of Oz. How did you find all this? I agree with you. I really need to see this myself. So cool!
I learned about Gaudi in an art history class at college. Fell in love with his work. When this day's challange was about wearing something gaudy I immediately thought of Gaudi. The internet takes care of the rest.
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